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Club history

Preface from David Govier, Centenary Captain 1989

Writing the Hundred Years Story of Sidmouth Golf Club, when there were few club records other than some committee minute books, proved no easy task.

The club owes a great deal to two of our retired scholars and close friends, Jim Voller and Frank Young. They have interviewed our longer-standing members, and relatives of those who have been closely asociated with the club over the years, and painstakingly researched old newspapers and records at the Sidmouth Museum and elsewhere.

Given the circumstances, their compilation of the club's history from its inception until the end of the 1970s has been no mean feat. They have particularly asked that thanks be expressed to the curator of the museum, Aileen Davis, for her considerable help to them.

Apart from Jim and Frank, my thanks are due to Janet Bell and Steve Lander for their respective contributions on behalf of the ladies and the vets, and to Richard Eley and Neil Anthony for their professionalism in preparing the final publication. Inevitably, when there are so few records available, there will be characters or events in the story which have not been given the prominence they deserve, or perhaps, have been missed entirely. If this is the case, then it is unintentional and we can only offer our apologies.